Medical rhinoplasty
• Bump in the back of the nose • symmetries or nasal deviations • Wrinkles on the side of the nose •
Medical rhinoplasty
If only a surgical rhinoplasty can definitively correct the imperfections of the nose, some methods of aesthetic medicine make it possible to temporarily remove some flaws:
- Hyaluronic acid injections can camouflage a bump in the back of the nose. Certain asymmetries or nasal deviations may also be concealed. Small imperfections after surgical rhinoplasty can also be treated.
Injections should be renewed every 10 to 18 months on average. - Injections of botulinum toxin lower the tip of the nose or reduce wrinkles on the side of the nose (“bunny lines”).
The results of botox injections lasts 5 to 6 months.
Before / After
Medical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid injections: reduction of the bump on the back of the nose.