Peelings & Rejuvenation by TIMED
Chemical peeling
Have a makeover at any age
Chemical peels cleanse the skin of impurities through exfoliation. Peelings can also lead to stimulation of skin regeneration. The skin regains a glowing complexion, its texture is refined, marks and blemishes fade or disappear and skin elasticity is improved. Some peels help smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Acne-prone skin can also be treated.
There is a high level of patient satisfaction after facial peels and likewise with the removal of brown age spots on the back of the hands.
Superficial peels with glycolic acid
Glycolic acid is a fruit acid obtained from extracts of sugar cane, beetroot or grape. It belongs to the family of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA).
The after effects are manageable with no peeling and no social isolation. Redness can vary from non-existent to moderate for 12 to 24 hours.
Finally, a home skin care routine with creams that corresponds to your skin will be recommended to you.
Medium-depth peels with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
Skin colour is pink and then changes to pink-brown. Around the third day a significant flaking will impede social interaction until the fifth or eighth day.
Finally, a home maintenance treatment of cream application will be recommended to you according to your skin.
Peeling, an important complementary tool
Peelings can be stand alone or in conjunction with non-surgical procedures (hyaluronic acid injections, botox) or cosmetic surgery procedures (eyelid surgery, head and neck lifting, centro-facial, etc.).
They allow for a more comprehensive approach to facial aesthetics.
Techniques of rejuvenation by TIMED
Treatment of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, dull skin, oily skin…
Performed in the doctor’s office, this painless treatment is a combination of 2 techniques (mixed peeling):
- The application of a controlled electrical current (cleansing of the skin, improving its firmness and increasing its absorbency)
- The application of resorcinol (chemical peeling)
Several protocols are offered :
Nourishing Electro-rejuvenation
In this treatment the resorcinol is replaced by a solution that is extremely rich in vitamins, amino acids and hyaluronic acid.
The skin is deeply nourished thanks to the initial application of the electrical current. The action is similar to a session of mesotherapy but without the stinging sensation of the injections.
No impacts on social life are to be expected. This treatment is possible all year long including sunny periods.
A treatment of 3 to 5 sessions is recommended for effective and lasting nourishment, followed by regular skin care.
Electro-rejuvenation or electro-cosmesis
A mild or more intense mixed peeling can be carried out depending on the desired effect (improvement of skin radiance, complexion, lightening of age spots or blemishes, removal of fine lines, etc, …) The patient can expect limited social interaction due to the possible side effects of redness for at least 24 hours and the flaking skin for 3 to 7 days.
For an intense treatment 1 to 3 sessions are recommended preferably during periods of low sunlight. Following the treatment, a regular skin care routine is recommended..
Lightening of the age spots on the face or the back of the hands
In 1 to 3 sessions all age spots can be considerably lightened or even erased.
A reddish appearance that slowly turns pinkish will persist from 1 to 3 months.
Removal of fine lines from the lip and lower eyelids
Abrasive Electro-Rejuvenation by TIMED is performed in a single session and is the most effective and long-lasting method to remove wrinkles from the lips and eyelids.
The treatment is carried out under a local anaesthesia and is followed by a healing period of 3 weeks. Redness persists for 1 to 3 months and can be easily covered by makeup.
White lip smoothing by Timed electro-rejuvenation