Belly Surgery
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Some life events promote the distension of the abdominal skin (pregnancy, weight changes). They result in an unsightly excess of skin that may make it difficult to wear clothes.
The tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty or abdominal dermolipectomy) is a procedure designed to remove excess abdominal skin. The treatment of subcutaneous excess fat can be performed at the same time.
We differentiate between the umbilical abdominoplasty and the subumbilical abdominoplasty (“mini-tummy tucks”). Circular abdominoplasty (“body lift”) is covered in a separate chapter here after.
• Full abdominoplasty
With this procedure, all the skin between the navel and the pubis is removed. The remaining skin is peeled back, stretched and spread over the entire abdomen.
The inevitable long scar extends along the entire width of the abdomen. However, the scar is located just above the pubic bone, allowing it to be hidden by wearing underwear or swimwear.
The umbilicus or navel can be preserved and remain in its original position (tummy tuck with transposition of the umbilicus) or can be removed and rebuilt. The desire to keep your own navel is valid but will result in scarring around it: this is the standard method offered by most plastic surgeons.
In some cases, Dr. Laveaux will offer an optional alternative technique for patients who don’t wish to preserve their navel. This option has the advantage of not causing scarring around the navel, the only scar visible from this operation when wearing underwear.
In all situations, Dr Laveaux uses the “High Superior Tension”technique that provides the best cosmetic results nd can significantly reduce the risk of hematoma, seroma and skin necrosis.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and takes between an hour and a half and 3 hours depending on the amount of work to be done.
Hospitalisation ranges from 24 to 48 hours.
The insertion of drains is not systematic. If they are necessary, they will be removed before the release.
- Liposuction is systematically associated with this procedure for two reasons :
- to allow the preservation of the lymph vessels and,
- to reduce excess abdominal fat and narrow the hips ;
- A liposuction and pubic lift are necessary if the pubis is prominent. In the case of a pubic lift, this leads to an additional vertical scar in pubic hair area;
- A tightening of the abdominal muscles can be combined if necessary (Diastasis recti/abdominal treatment). The opportunity to perform this procedure is determined during the examination of the abdomen in consultation ;
- In case of an incisional hernia or associated ruptures a digestion surgeon specialised in this type of procedure will assist during the operation to complete their treatment.
Pain is variable, generally mild and mainly due to liposuction. The pain is more intense for the treatment of diastasis or hernias.
The patient may return to work between 2-4 weeks after surgery depending on the job.
Resuming sporting activities varies between 6 weeks and 4 months in the case of diastasis or hernia treatment.
Sometimes a daily anticoagulant therapy may be prescribed for 8 to 10 days to reduce the risk of developing complications.
Complete healing is achieved within 2 to 3 weeks.
The dressings are semi-permeable, therefore showers are allowed.
Special dressings will need to be applied to the scars, even after healing, for 2-3 months to improve their appearance.
Wearing a compression belt is recommended 24 hours a day for 1 month (required for 3 months for treatment of diastasis or hernia).
As with any surgery, a number of complications can occur. But the likelihood of these complications is reduced in the hands of a qualified plastic surgeon and in the presence of a competent anaesthetist.
The patient’s compliance to instructions given by the surgeon is also essential and include :
- stopping smoking 1 month before and after the procedure (reduction of all risks) ;
- stopping the pill two months before and after the procedure (reducing the risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism) ;
- not taking aspirin for 10 days before and after the procedure (reduced risk of hematoma) ;
- When applicable, respecting the target weight your surgeon has determined before surgery, (reduced risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism and the risk of a poor cosmetic outcome).
Rare complications that could occur include, but are not limited to risk of hematoma, infection, scarring and thrombo-embolic complications (phlebitis).
In the event of a complication, appropriate measures will be taken.
• Subumbilical abdominoplasty (“mini-tummy tucks”).
This procedure aims to remove a variable amount of skin beneath the navel. The scar is located in the same place as an umbilical abdominoplasty but it is shorter.
Usually the navel remains in its original place. Sometimes it is lowered a few centimetres. In any case, there is never a scar around the umbilicus, which is preserved.
This procedure often complements an abdominal liposuction when there is too much excess skin to hope for sufficient retraction of the skin but not enough excess skin for an umbilical abdominoplasty to be performed.
The procedure is performed either under assisted local anaesthesia as an outpatient or rarely during hospitalisation for 24 hours under general anaesthesia. The duration of the procedure varies between 45 and 60 minutes.
The after effects are more manageable than after a full abdominoplasty and the risk of complications is lower. No drain is inserted. Preventive doses of anticoagulants are not systematic.
In some cases (sagging abdominal skin that partially covers the pubis), a partial reimbursement of the cost of the procedure may be considered upon prior agreement. Your health insurance fund’s medical advisor will need to examine you in this case.
J-plasma Renuvion® is an innovative technology used to tighten skin that has no stretch marks or with limited sagging. It tightens skin by applying deep heat to the dermis and collagen interstitial tissue. The technique can be applied alone or used in addition to liposuction, where there is also excess fat.
The J-plasma Renuvion® procedure is performed under anaesthesia in the operating room.
With Renuvion® there is less tightening than with an abdominoplasty, however the scarring is the same as with a simple liposuction.
• Before / After
Body lift (belt lipectomy)
This procedure leads to a dramatic decrease in the overall volume of the body, especially the mid-section.
Lower Body lift (or circular dermolipectomy or belt lipectomy) is a procedure designed to remove excess skin on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. The remaining skin is tightened.
Any excess fat is removed by liposuction at the same time.
Basically, the objective is to remove a 20 to 25 cm strip of skin from around the body at the waist.
The procedure is performed in two phases of equal duration :
- the first phase with the patient lying on their stomach is to treat the hips, buttocks and sides of the thighs ;
- the second phase with the patient lying on the back is to treat the abdomen, pubis and upper thighs.
These two phases are usually performed during the same procedure but they can also be done several months apart to reduce the enormity of the procedure.
The procedure begins with liposuction of the hips and saddlebags with the patient lying on their stomach. The excess skin is then removed and the skin of the buttocks and sides of the thighs is stretched upwards.
Depending on the case, the volume of the buttocks can be increased by using the fat located on the hips. This hip fat is remodelled to be used as prosthesis.
In case of excess skin on the outside of the thighs, a complementary vertical incision along the outer aspect of the thighs can be performed to further improve the result of the silhouette (complementary lateral body lift).
The patient is then turned over onto their back on the operating table while under anaesthesia.
Whilst the patient is lying on their back the surgeon performs another liposuction session (abdomen, pubis, upper thighs). Then at the end of the procedure an abdominoplasty is performed to remove excess skin and tighten the skin of the abdomen, pubis and upper thighs.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The duration varies between 4 to 6 hours. Hospitalisation ranges from 4 to 6 days.
Although quite invasive this procedure is not usually very painful.
The fatigue and recovery phases however are longer than after other types of plastic surgery. If the fatigue is too serious, a blood transfusion may be administered. To reduce the likelihood of a blood transfusion, the anaesthetist will suggest iron treatment before surgery and depending on your haemoglobin levels.
A daily anticoagulant therapy will be prescribed for 8 to 10 days to reduce the risk of developing complications.
Complete healing is achieved within 2 to 3 weeks
The dressings are semi-permeable, therefore showers are allowed.
Special dressings will need to be applied to the scars, even after healing, for 2-3 months to improve their appearance.
Wearing a compression belt is recommended 24 hours a day for 1 month to reduce bruising and improve comfort.
The overall results of a body lift are remarkable, considering the volume reduction, skin retention and the enhancements made to the stomach, pubis, thighs, buttocks, hips and saddlebags. Aesthetic and comfort levels are greatly improved.
The scar, although long because of its circular nature, is acceptable due to the significant improvement of the figure. In addition, the scar is positioned to be easily concealed by wearing underwear or swimwear. The position of the posterior scar may for example be adapted to allow the wearing of hipster jeans or even Brazilian thongs. However, the patient will need to wait about one year before the scar is fully developed and therefore more discreet.
As with any surgery, a number of complications can occur. But the likelihood of these complications is reduced in the hands of a qualified plastic surgeon and in the presence of a competent anaesthetist.
The patient’s compliance to instructions given by the surgeon is also essential and include :
- stopping smoking 1 month before and after the procedure (reduction of all risks) ;
- stopping the pill two months before and after the procedure (reducing the risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism) ;
- not taking aspirin for 10 days before and after the procedure (reduced risk of hematoma) ;
- when applicable, respecting the target weight your surgeon has determined before surgery, (reduced risk of phlebitis and pulmonary embolism and the risk of a poor cosmetic outcome).
Rare complications that could occur include, but are not limited to risk of hematoma, infection, scarring and thrombo-embolic complications (phlebitis).
In the event of a complication, appropriate measures will be taken.
As this procedure is considered purely for aesthetic purposes, no coverage is provided by health insurance.
In some cases (sagging abdominal skin that partially covers the pubis, post-bariatric surgery) a partial reimbursement of the cost of the procedure may be considered upon prior agreement. Your health insurance fund’s medical advisor will need to examine you in this case.
In case of agreement, you will be responsible for the additional surgeon and anesthesiologist fees which will be redeemable in whole or in part by your health insurance.
Body lift : Before (A) — 1 year after (B) — after scar tattoo (C)